Rules for Parents
- The school day starts at 08:00 and ends at 15:45. Students should be present in the classroom before classes begin.
- If a student will not attend school that day, the parent is expected to inform the teacher via message.
- If a student will be picked up by an adult other than their parent, the classroom teacher or school administration must be informed. Otherwise, the student will not be released to that person.
- Students must be at school before classes start and picked up on time at the end of the day.
- Our supervising teacher system operates until 17:00.
- It is important that children with contagious or feverish illnesses do not come to school and that the teacher is informed.
- Changes to phone numbers and addresses must be communicated to the school and teacher in writing and promptly.
- If a student has a special situation, the school administration must be informed.
- For students whose parents are divorced, a copy of the custody decision resulting from the court case must be provided to the school principal or assistant principal. In such cases, the classroom teacher should also be informed.
- Parents are expected to read announcements sent from class groups carefully.
- Students should not bring anything to class other than school materials (toys, etc.).
- Students are expected to come to school in uniform.
- Respecting teachers and peers is one of our most important rules. Helping our children develop positive behaviors is our primary principle. If your child frequently exhibits unwanted behaviors (such as swearing, violence, etc.), it is very important for you to cooperate with teachers and administration.
- Parents are not allowed to intervene with or warn students other than their own child. For solving problems, assistance should be sought from the classroom teacher, guidance unit, or administration.
- Students should not carry more than 100 TL in pocket money.
Rules for Students
Students are expected to:
- Arrive at school and leave at appropriate times.
- Come to school in uniform (no dangling earrings or accessories, nails should be kept hygienic and unpolished, makeup should not be worn, long hair should be tied back and should not be dyed).
- Use school materials appropriately.
- Ensure that their notebooks, books, and pens are complete and organized when coming to school.
- Keep their classrooms clean and tidy.
- Use restrooms properly and avoid wasteful behaviors involving water and paper.
- Pay attention to personal hygiene and uniform cleanliness.
- Play harmoniously with friends during breaks.
- Be respectful and tolerant towards each other, school staff, and teachers.
- Listen during lessons and adhere to established classroom rules.
- Complete homework on time as assigned by teachers.
- Avoid behaviors that disrupt class order, listen attentively, and not get up without permission.
- Participate in school events and ceremonies, behaving according to etiquette and specific event rules.
- Follow transportation rules if using the school bus.
- Take only as much food as needed in the cafeteria and place dirty dishes in the designated area after eating.
- Eat in their assigned area.
- Respect others’ turn when lining up.
- Exhibit proper manners while eating.
Cafeteria Rules
Students must:
- Wash their hands before and after meals.
- Move orderly in the cafeteria and respect others’ turns.
- Behave according to etiquette while eating and avoid speaking loudly.
- Place their food trays in the designated areas after meals.
- Leave tables and chairs tidy when leaving the cafeteria.
- Not take food or utensils out of the cafeteria.
- Pay attention to the reminders of supervising teachers in the cafeteria.
Canteen Usage Rules
- Students purchasing from the canteen should line up and wait appropriately.
- Communication with canteen staff should be in an appropriate tone.
Bus Rules
The time spent on the bus is considered part of the school day. Students are expected to behave according to school rules while on the bus.
- Students using the bus must be ready at the designated pick-up point at the time given in the morning. Students who are late will not be waited for, to avoid causing delays for others. Late students must be transported to and from school by their parents.
- Buses operate according to their designated routes and may not pick up or drop off passengers at locations not on the route.
- Without a written permission form from a parent, students are not allowed to change buses or leave school with another vehicle.
- If any issues arise during the trip, students should not argue with the driver or bus attendant. They should inform the bus personnel, who will relay the situation to the administration.
- Any damage caused to the vehicles by students, whether intentional or accidental, must be compensated by their parents.
Students must:
- Listen to the instructions of drivers and bus attendants and wear seat belts.
- Not disturb their surroundings with their behavior.
- Not open windows, stand up, or consume food and drinks in the vehicles.
- Not disturb the bus driver.
- Follow the driver’s instructions.
- Help and protect younger students.
- Not forget their belongings in the vehicle.
- Not engage in physical play, even if for fun, with friends.
Students who violate bus rules will receive written notification from the bus guide to the school administration. These students will face the following consequences:
- First violation: “Written Warning.”
- Second violation: “Two days of not being able to use the bus service.”
- Third violation: “Five days of not being able to use the bus service.”
- Fourth violation: “Indefinite suspension from bus service.”
Students staying for after-school activities (such as study hall, clubs, etc.) will not be able to use the bus service that day and must be picked up by their parents or leave the school with a permission slip from their parent.