After Industry 4.0 was initiated under the leadership of Germany, the concept of Society 5.0 "Technology for society" was proposed by the Japanese. Society 5.0 represents the transition from the information society to the super-intelligent society. While smart objects can communicate with each other in Industry 4.0, Society 5.0 highly integrates cyberspace and physical space in many domains through unmanned robot technologies.
Today, when concepts such as Industry 4.0 and Society 5.0 enter our lives, robotic coding has a special importance. Because in near future, it is obvious that societies that do not consume ready-made information, but produce information and generate innovative solutions to problems will be successful. In the "Robotic Coding" training provided by our school, students have educational settings where they can produce solutions to problems associated with real life.
The Robotic Coding course helps students develop skills such as creativity, critical thinking, analytical thinking, decision making, content production, design, coding, algorithmic thinking, all of which are essential to address the requirements of the current era. Our students can produce instead of just consuming; they can code their own programs by learning block-based coding. With the programs they create, they give life to Lego robots, enable them to fulfill certain tasks in line with their own purposes, and in the end, they experience the happiness of producing by watching the work of the robots they have created. We develop our course curriculum based on International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE) standards and the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS).
As Dr. Suat Günsel Kyrenia Junior College, we participate in the European Union Code Week (EU Code Week), which is held every year. The aim of the event, participated by more than 50 countries, is to raise awareness about coding and programming, encourage working together, and spread the coding culture. While fulfilling only one of the three criteria is enough to win the Certificate of Excellence, the Dr. Suat Günsel Kyrenia Junior College has fulfilled all of the three criteria successfully and won the Certificate of Excellence in the field of robotic coding.